

Hello - can I help you?

My guess is you're probably reading this because you're not happy
about something, you're fed up about something and want to feel 'better'.

So - would it help if .....

  • you felt comfier in your clothes? 
  • you felt healthier and enjoyed doing some exercise?
  • you were able to do what you wanted to do now those fears and worries have gone or are at a reduced level?
  • you were able to say no to too many 'naughty nibbles' of chocolate and crisps?
  • you stopped or reduced your smoking or drinking?
  • you felt more confident when you gave a presentation?
  • felt relaxed whilst sitting an exam or having an important game to play?
  • you felt happier and more at peace having finally let go the overiding
    sadness or guilt from your past ?
  • or.........?

Whatever it is, I may be able to help you. I make no guarantee of 'cure' because that's impossible(and illegal), but what I will guarantee is that I will do
my best if you agree to work with me.                          

I work in a relaxed down to earth manner and I don't  judge what you say - you are unique and will be treated by me with respect and care.

Would you tell a good friend to get some help if they weren't happy?  Then tell yourself the same thing. Once you've made that decision the next bit is easy:
just phone or e-mail Sandy.

Weight Loss Programme to include Gastric Band Therapy

Phone number: 01782617237
E-mail address:

piccy relax